Friday 11 February 2011

Radio Station Brief.

Moodboard for chosen style of music.

Sketchbook work, scamps and annotations.

Final Logo for radio station.
Final development of radio station brief.

Expression Magazine Brief.


Final front cover and magazine double page spread.

Cut-Up-Poem Brief.

Main Cut Up Poem which I illustrated using a variety of media.

Sketchbook work from typography brief using different media and techniques such as Intaglio, Photocopier, Relief & Collagraph print.

3 Colour Screen Print from main cut up poem.
Final digital manipulation of Cut Up Poem.

Typography Brief.

Through mark making sheets which I produced such as 'mechanoid', 'slapdash', 'splinter' and 'gritty' I was able to create my own style of font using mainly stems, counters and bowls to produce my own typeface.
Through my typeface Ideas I produced a full typeface which i named after the style of mark making I used to create this type - 'Slapdash'.
My final typeface 'Slapdash' placed on background which I feel represents my actual Type.

Advertising Brief.

Deconstructing an advertisement through image and text.
My reconstruction of the previous advertisement deconstruction.

Stylebook Brief.

My four moodboards produced for Stylebook Brief. Punk, Constructivism, Digital & Pop Art.
From the moodboards I chose one style of art and designed a number of ideas of book covers to help me produce my final piece.
 Using Photoshop to produce my final outcome, I used various techniques to help produce a Pop Art style of work.